
Thoughts, Ideas, and Opinions are Ours

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Leaders Dig In

One of the greatest challenges for marketers/advertisers that are leading a team is finding the time, energy, and capacity to CREATE content.

The natural career progression is to go from the day-to-day work (also know as “in the weeds”) and then develop or advance into the strategic, leadership aspects of the organization. I’m not convinced that this is the right path.

This trajectory is what causes leaders to become disconnected from the very people who are producing new content every single day. It’s how decision-makers start making critical decisions that impact their channels, their approach, and their team. Some of the best CMO’s and VP leaders I’ve worked in my career with were some of the first to roll up their sleeves, get on set, and talk through things like production plans or creative direction.

Do you take time to create content (either for yourself or for your brand)? If so, how do you prioritize it?

Nathan Okuley