
Thoughts, Ideas, and Opinions are Ours

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Marketing Strategies for Medical Spas in Q4

The end of Q3-2023 brought about notable industry shifts for medical spas across the country, with a decline in customer acquisition and growth challenges impacting many practices. Regardless of the size of your practice, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of Q4 and its unique opportunities. Years of retail and e-commerce experience have shown us a lot to learn regarding the Q4 customer mindset for our industry. The holiday” season is critical for your business as you wrap up the traditional fiscal year and can lean into a shopping and spending customer mindset.

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Why Build an Email Welcome Series?

I'm not here to say retention is the king or any of that clickbait messaging. But email/SMS is a must for building and maintaining customer relationships. Brands with a strong email onboarding/welcome series for new subscribers or buying customers have a valuable opportunity to engage and retain their audience. And why not get someone who has already tried your product or service to buy again OR refer someone through their experience?

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Nathan Okuley
Creating an Effective Content Marketing Strategy for Digital Success

In the modern era of technology, digital marketing, and the eCommerce era, content marketing is a must for any business that wants to do well. It is a powerful marketing technique that involves creating digital content to attract and engage customers beyond traditional ads that scream, “Buy this now!” This content can include blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts and webinars, among other things. Content marketing is a way for companies to connect with and get to know their customers. Before we dig into successful content marketing, let’s define it.

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Nathan Okuley
Essential SEO Tactics for Your Website

Launching a new website can be an exciting but daunting experience, especially regarding SEO. SEO, or search engine optimization, is essential to success. It helps ensure that search engines and potential customers can find your website. Implementing the right SEO tactics when launching your new website can be the difference between success and failure. 

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Nathan Okuley