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Why Build an Email Welcome Series?

Customer acquisition is getting harder and harder for businesses, and it's even tougher to attribute customers to the proper channels correctly. 
I'm not here to say retention is the king or any of that clickbait messaging. But email/SMS is a must for building and maintaining customer relationships. Brands with a strong email onboarding/welcome series for new subscribers or buying customers have a valuable opportunity to engage and retain their audience. And why not get someone who has already tried your product or service to buy again OR refer someone through their experience?

An email onboarding series sets the tone for your brand and establishes the expectations for future communications. It allows you to introduce your brand, showcase your products or services, and provide value to your customers through helpful tips, special offers, or relevant content. Chances are your customer will not see most of the posts you post on social media, so loads of timely information never make it to the people using your products.

Additionally, an email onboarding series can help drive conversions and repeat sales. By nurturing your subscribers and guiding them towards a specific goal, such as making a purchase or sharing a review, you can increase their likelihood of taking action and becoming loyal customers. Best of all, these series' are automated thanks to email platforms like Klaviyo and Active Campaign, so you don't need a team member pulling levers or sending off campaigns daily.

Email automation is an up-front investment that pays off in the long run. Creating a thoughtful and personalized series can build strong relationships with your customers and brand-building that other channels can't replicate.

Nathan Okuley